Sunday, March 11, 2007

Request for your advice


When I was reading a book for American Accent Training, I met a following sentence, " What if he forgets?". This is one of 17 sentences for combinations in context.

I know that meaning of a sentence depends upon the context. There are no related sentences this time. It's just a sample of "T sound".

In this sentence, I imagine as follows: I'm not sure whether he forgets or not. I'm afraid that he forgets. Then I'd like to make sure him not to forget"

I'd like to know whether my guess is correct or not. Would you tell me what situation you usually use this sentence?



  1. Sadamu - on target. I'd say "good guess" but I think it's more a matter of your developing a feel for the language - an instinct.

    EXAMPLE - situation
    John is supposed to meet me early so we can go over our presentation. What if he forgets? Then we won't have time to practice and might not do well. I'd better call him and remind him.

  2. Vanessa

    Thank you very much for your advice. I think that I understand what situation it is used in.


  3. Sadamu & all

    You may sometimes think the grammar - verb tenses, pronouns, sentence structure, dependent clauses, etc. - and spelling are what give you the most grief in English, but the real difficulty, I think, lies in the sublties of meaning.

  4. 'spelling are what give you the most grief in English'
    I agree with that. I can not write without dictionary because I have to recheck my spelling. Even my daughter can find mispelling in my writing.

  5. Sadamu & Ginyin

    The problem with using a dictionary is that you have to know how to spell a word to be able to find it, although some online dictionaries are set up to to list words that might be the ones you are looking for.

    There is also a useful book called The Bad Speller's Dictionary that lists words the ways they are most commonly mispelled.


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